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Kundenrezension: Kindergeburtstag in der Trampolin Jump Arena gefeiert

Kundenrezension zur Trampolin Jump Arena - Spaß für die ganze Familie

Bildschirmfoto 2019-06-21 um 17.04.27

Kundenrezension: Kindergeburtstag in der Trampolin Jump Arena gefeiert

Über uns
About us
Trampolin Jump Arena
The first trampoline arena in Kaiserslautern!
Expect a unique atmosphere and jumping fun for the whole family in our Jump House.
In our Trampolin Park we always have Coaches in the trampoline area. They will take care of the guests, teach tricks and give assistance.
If you want to experience recreation in Kaiserslautern, you've come to the right place. It´s a fun park for all ages.
With our coaches at your side, you'll learn how to do somersaults and back handsprings like a ninja.
Those who are not jumping can use our free children's playground and test their skills in our arcade room.
Card payments are possible - English spoken
We are looking forward to your visit!
TJA Team
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